Monday, November 2, 2009

The Fair Has Come & Gone!!!

Well, the Harwinton Fair has come and gone again this year. It certainly was one to remember. First, on Saturday we woke to a misty, wet day. Even though the weather wasn't great, people did come. It wasn't cold, so they were still coming in to see the exhibits in the buildings and enjoy all the great food.

The Women's Skillet Throw was a big success with 45 participants signing up to test their throwing abilities. The winner tossed her skillet over 47 feet! It was definitely enjoyed by both tossers & watchers. We'll be planning the event again for next year.

There was entertainment & music for those willing to put up with the raindrops. Then about 4:00 the skies finally opened up. We had to call it a day as it downpoured, thundered & lightning making it all very interesting.

On Sunday morning the sun did come out to dry up all the grounds. And the people did come!!! We estimated about 16,000 people. We couldn't have asked for a better day. Parking was not an issue. Everything went very smoothly bringing in all the cars with no backups out on Route 4.

The Zirkus Wallenda was a big hit and 11 year old Briana was quite the shining star on the sway pole and high wire.

The Band, Aces & Eights, performed on Saturday in spite of the weather, The Magic of Jim Sisti & The Sunshine Road did have to cancel because of the weather but made up for it all on Sunday. We had an old fashioned band concert on the bandstand Sunday afternoon presented by the Northwest Connecticut Band.

The Pisgah Mountain Primitives & Civil War reenactors always add to our historic area, along with the Country Store, Shingle Mill, Blacksmith and Antique Tractors & equipment. Woodchopping had the biggest turnout ever, and all other pull events and competitions went on.

The Ellis Family brought in a wonderful display of wagons and draft horse. Bob was sadly missed by everyone. But I'm sure he would have been proud of the wonderful addition everything was to our Fair.

All in all, the Fair was a success, with many positive remarks and compliments. Thanks to all who have made our Fair what it is--- A great traditional country fair.

Looking forward to next year!

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