Sunday, September 23, 2012

Deadline for Exhibitors September 26th

A reminder to all exhibitors that the deadline for general exhibitors is Wednesday, September 26, 2012.  The whole premium book is available by going to our website. Look for the "Premium Book" tab where you can download the complete book with all the current year's information needed.

So get busy making that list of entries you want to exhibit at the Harwinton Fair. Our exhibitors are an important part of our agricultural fair so make sure you get those forms to our secretary, Lisa Shimels, by that date.

If you have any questions, contact her or any of our directors, who will be happy to help you out.

The Fair is two weeks away so put October 6th & 7th on your calendar. Bring your family & friends to the 156th Annual Harwinton Fair. Join in the fun and become a fair exhibitor!

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